
Jan 1st, 2021 | History, Service, Spatial Value Domain


Applying the results of research on making things, creating spaces, and working styles to make available the results in the form of a showroom.

1969 Japan's first Live Office
Japan's first Live Office is born. Our own KOKUYO designed office becomes a live showroom allowing visitors to see how our employees actually work using our products.

first live office

1980s Offices supporting communication
KOKUYO proposes an office style supporting more efficient daily operations and designed to meet the increasing needs for better communication.

office 1980

1990s Large-scale free-address office
KOKUYO is one of the first to catch on to the evolution of devices, and implements the freeaddress office where employees share space and no longer need their own individual desk.

office 1990

2000s Large-scale all-wireless LAN office
A wireless LAN system allows staff free movement anywhere inside the company. The practical use of IP mobile phones enables cost down.

office 2000

Now and in the future New and Better Experiences Office
As society becomes increasingly uncertain and changeable, the role of the office as a space that accelerates inner creativity has grown in importance. For this reason, at KOKUYO we are proposing a new way of working that offers "new and better experiences."

office now